Religious Exemptions for Workers Refusing to Vaccinate per Mandatory Vaccination Laws

For employers engaging in the interactive process with employees who have requested religious exemptions from the vaccination requirements, this article reviewed how employers can prevail on a claim from an employee who is denied an exemption.

Employers who are subject to government vaccination mandates have been raising questions about the process for granting or denying a request for a religious exemption from the vaccination requirements. At a high level, only “sincerely” held religiously-based objections to vaccination are entitled to an exemption. Thus, the employer must initially determine that an employee’s objection to the vaccination mandate is motivated by religious reasons, and not political, medical, or philosophical reasons.

Employers have expressed concern about being sued by employees who are improperly denied a religious exemption. There are some, albeit limited, court decisions that illustrate how employers could prevail in such employment lawsuits.

In Beck v. Williamson College of the Trades et al. (Pa. Com. Pl. Aug. 24, 2021), a student attending a private, post-secondary school in Pennsylvania brought suit in state court against the school, alleging religious discrimination, among other things, based on the school’s failure to provide him an exemption from its vaccination policy based on his religious beliefs. The student, who identifies as Catholic, claimed that his objection to the COVID-19 vaccine was based on a sincerely held religious belief that the vaccines were developed from aborted fetal cell lines and that receiving any of the vaccines would compromise his ability to act in a way consistent with his Catholic faith. (This same argument has frequently been cited by home care aides seeking a religious exemption). The student sought immediate relief from the court to allow him to continue his studies at the school without having to comply with its vaccination policy.

On September 14, the court denied the student’s request for immediate relief, and instead, upheld the school’s decision to deny the student’s request for exemption from its vaccination policy. As relevant to home care, in analyzing his religious discrimination claim, the court explained that the student failed to establish that his belief — from which the objection to the vaccines derives — was both sincerely held and religious. The court also found that the student failed to show a discriminatory reason for the school’s decision to require him to obtain the vaccine.

According to the court, the student could not show a sincerely held religious belief given his acknowledgment that he had previously (within the past two years and prior to matriculating at the school) obtained vaccinations with origins that he knew were similar to those of the COVID-19 vaccines. The MMR vaccine, which many home care healthcare personnel are required to obtain as a condition of working in home care are such examples.

The court also observed that the student’s religious discrimination claim appeared to be a more “global,” rather than religious, objection to “unprecedented restrictions on basic human freedoms” created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, the court explained that, even assuming the student’s objection to being vaccinated was based on a sincerely held religious belief, the school had a lawful, nondiscriminatory reason for its policy — to protect the health and safety of its students and staff during a global pandemic and to better ensure the continued operations of the school. The school showed that it had applied its policy in the same manner to all students regardless of the identity or faith of those who requested an exemption. The court also found lawful the school’s policy, which required requests for religious exemption to include (1) a statement of published doctrine from the student’s religious group indicating that the vaccines violated the student’s religious beliefs; and (2) a statement from a spiritual leader of the local place of worship indicating that the student was a member of that faith.

The Beck decision, although not binding in New York, is reasonable, consistent with precedent and, thus, likely to be cited by New York courts. Employers that are increasingly facing pressure from MLTCs, landlords and other contractual partners to vaccinate their workforce (without any religious or medical exemptions being permitted) should take note of the Beck analysis in structuring their religious exemption process. Doing so could mitigate employers’ exposure to employment claims from employees who are denied an exemption.

Fair Credit Reporting Act Developments

In another non-employment case with employment impact, the U.S. Supreme Court reiterated that only a plaintiff who has suffered concrete harm may bring suit for damages under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) – the federal law governing background checks, including for employment purposes. Nonetheless, this case serves to remind employers of the need to comply with the technical requirements of FCRA.

Under FCRA, if employers use a third-party provider to conduct a background check (i.e., consumer report or investigative consumer report), there are certain required notices and communications. Over the years, there have been numerous lawsuits against employers for failure to comply with FCRA’s strict notice and/or disclosure requirements. In many instances, employees challenged technical violations – some on behalf of a class – even though no actual harm was experienced. This led to the Supreme Court’s 2016 decision in Spokeo Inc. v. Robins, in which it held that, in order to sue under FCRA, a plaintiff must establish that they have suffered “concrete” harm – meaning real injury, and not simply a “bare procedural violation.” The Supreme Court has now reiterated this position in the non-employment case of TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez.

Although it is good news for employers that they will avoid liability if there is no tangible harm (like economic or reputational damages), nonetheless they should still ensure compliance with FCRA’s technical requirements in order to avoid the possibility of such liability – and also the aggravation and expense of defending against a lawsuit regardless of the merits. These requirements are as follows:

General Notice Requirements. Under FCRA, a “consumer report” is any communication containing information about an individual’s credit history, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living. An “investigative consumer report” is a consumer report in which information is obtained, at least in part, through personal interviews with neighbors, friends, or associates. These reports include credit checks, criminal background checks, reference checks, educational checks, driving records checks, and social media checks.

When any consumer report or investigative consumer report is being procured for employment purposes, the employer is obliged to provide the following notices and certifications to the applicant/employee:

  1. Provide the applicant/employee with a clear and conspicuous written advance disclosure in a stand-alone document, stating that a consumer report or investigative consumer report may be obtained for employment purposes.
  2. Obtain the applicant’s/employee’s written authorization for the procurement of the consumer report or investigative consumer report, which may be combined with the stand-alone document referred to in the prior paragraph.
  3. Certify, to the entity providing the report, that the company has complied with the above notice requirements and that the information from the report will not be used in violation of any applicable federal or state equal employment opportunity law or regulation.
  4. If the report is going to be used as the basis, in whole or in part, for any adverse employment action (such as a refusal to hire or a decision to terminate), provide the applicant/employee with a pre-adverse action notice letter, along with a copy of both the report and a copy of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) publication entitled “A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act” before taking the action.
  5. After waiting a “reasonable” amount of time (not specified by the statute or the CFPB), advise the applicant/employee of the adverse employment action. We recommend at least 5 business days. The letter must explain the adverse action, provide the name and contact information for the consumer reporting agency, state that the consumer reporting agency did not make the decision to take the adverse action and will not be able to provide an explanation for the action, state that the individual has the right to request a free copy of the report from the agency within 60 days, and state that the individual has the right to dispute with the agency the accuracy or completeness of the information in the report.

Additional Requirements for Investigative Consumer Reports.

  1. Sometime before but not later than three days after requesting a report, provide the applicant/employee with written disclosure that an investigative consumer report may be obtained. Note that this requirement is satisfied by the initial disclosure/authorization form referenced above, which is provided to the applicant/employee before requesting the report.
  2. The disclosure must include a statement that the investigative consumer report may include information about the individual’s character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living.
  3. The disclosure must inform the applicant/employee of his/her right to request a complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation.
  4. The disclosure must also inform the individual that the employer is required to make a written disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation within five days after receiving the individual’s request for disclosure or the date the employer requests the investigative consumer report, whichever is later.
  5. With the disclosure, provide a summary of rights as contained in the CFPB publication entitled “A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.”
  6. Certify, to the entity providing the report that the Company has and will comply with all notice and disclosure requirements for investigative consumer reports, and further certify that the Company will disclose the nature and scope of the investigation to the individual upon request and within the required five-day period.
  7. Upon written request by the applicant/employee made within a “reasonable time,” provide complete written disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation that was requested, within the five-day period noted above.

Special Rules for Employee Investigations. If an employer uses a third-party consumer reporting agency (such as a human resources consulting firm that regularly does investigations) to conduct an investigation into suspected employee misconduct, or compliance with laws, regulations or the employer’s policies, the employer does not need to provide the notices and disclosures or obtain the authorization described above. However, the employer must provide a summary describing the nature and scope of the investigation to the employee if adverse action is taken based on the investigation.

Hero Act and OSHA ETS, for New York Employers

Home care providers in New York, covered by both the Hero Act and the OSHA ETS, have many questions about their obligations under the two laws.

On Labor Day, New York Governor Hochul announced that the COVID-19 resurgence warrants implementing the safety plans required by the New York HERO Act (the “Act”). The Act permits the NYS Commissioner of Health to direct covered employers to activate their Hero Act airborne infectious disease exposure prevention plan (“Plan”) if the Commissioner determines that a highly contagious communicable disease presents a serious risk of harm to the public health. The Act became law as a result of the coronavirus pandemic earlier in 2021. However, it was intended to apply to future outbreaks and, while covered employers were required to adopt Plans (by August 5, 2021) and issue Plans to employees (by September 4, 2021), the Plans were not technically in effect because COVID was, seemingly, under control and there was no highly contagious communicable disease in effect. But now that Governor Hochul has declared a contagious disease to be in effect, many providers have asked, are we required to comply with the Hero Act and, if so, for which workers? Scope of Coverage and Applicability OSHA adopted an emergency temporary standard (the “ETS”) in June 2021 that established workplace safety standards for healthcare providers specifically related to the coronavirus health risks. The Hero Act exempts from coverage employees that are covered by an OSHA standard, even a “temporary” OSHA standard like the ETS. Thus, to the extent an organization or segments of a workplace are covered by OSHA’s ETS, then the Plan requirements of the Hero Act would not apply. Note, however, that once the ETS expires or is revoked, the Hero Act will take effect for those providers who were previously only under OSHA’s ETS. Thus, eventually, all providers in New York will be covered by the Hero Act. The OSHA ETS exempts from coverage “home healthcare settings where all employees are fully vaccinated and all non-employees are screened prior to entry and people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not present.” Until October 7, 2021, when the vaccination mandate takes effect in New York, this exception to the OSHA ETS requirements is unlikely to apply to LHCSA providers in New York because very few employers have “all employees” fully vaccinated as of today. Thus, at least for the caregiver population of LHCSAs, the OSHA ETS is now in effect. This means that the Hero Act Plans do not have to be activated for the caregivers. Providers are reminded, however, to ensure that they are complying with the ETS requirements. The OSHA ETS further provides an exemption for “healthcare support services not performed in a healthcare setting (e.g., off-site laundry, off-site medical billing).” Thus, it appears that LHCSA office settings are exempt from coverage of the OSHA ETS. That would also mean, however, that the LHCSA offices and office employees are covered by the Hero Act. Turning to fiscal intermediaries, due to a very specific definition of healthcare services under OSHA’s ETS, it is our opinion that fiscal intermediary services do not qualify as healthcare services under the OSHA ETS. Thus, we have taken the position that the ETS does not apply to personal assistants. However, the Hero Act appears to apply. As discussed in prior alerts, the Hero Act has a broad definition of employee, employer, and work site. Employee is defined in the Act as “any person providing services for remuneration…and shall include part-time workers, independent contractors, domestic workers, home care and personal care workers…” The term “employer” in the Act includes “any person, entity, business, corporation…” Thus, even for fiscal intermediaries that are not the employer of the personal assistant, the consumer him or herself would be considered an “employer” of the personal assistant and trigger the Hero Act’s requirements. The Hero Act requires covered employers (such as consumers) to adopt and implement a model plan. Readers will note that there is a general Plan, and a domestic worker Plan, available on the DOL’s website. The Plans are designed, depending on the nature of the worksite. Questions have arisen whether the Act will apply to consumers’ homes, because worksite is defined as “any physical space…that has been designated as the location where work is performed over which an employer has the ability to exercise control.” The consumer has the ability to exercise control in his/her home and, thus, this definition does not relieve a consumer employer from compliance with the Hero Act. Moreover, the definition of worksite specifically states that the term “worksite” will include “employer-provided housing…but shall not include the residence of the employer or employee unless such residence has been provided by the employer and is used as the primary place of work…” In the CDPAP, since the residence is provided by the employer (i.e., the consumer) and the home is the primary place of work, the Act would apply. To summarize, based on our review, LHCSAs and FIs should ensure that they have adopted and implemented the Hero Act requirements for their office staff. LHCSAs should ensure that they follow the OSHA ETS for caregivers. Fiscal intermediaries should assist their consumers, as the employer of the personal assistants, to comply with the Hero Act. Even in a joint employer scenario, the Hero Act would seem to apply and require the fiscal intermediary and/or the consumer to adopt the Plans for personal assistants. Effective Dates Note, for the workforce covered by the Hero Act, the initial designation of an airborne disease is currently only effective until September 30, 2021. The Commissioner of Health may extend it at that time. Reminders of Hero Act’s Requirements Now that the Hero Act’s requirements have been activated, covered employers must conduct a verbal review of their policies with the covered employees, employee rights under section 218-b of the NYS Labor Law and their Plan. This review should be done “in a manner most suitable for the prevention of an airborne infectious disease.” Options suggested by the DOL include in-person with good ventilation and face masks or via audio/video conference technology. Employers must also provide a copy of their plan to all employees as implemented. Some employers may need to provide the plan in Spanish to employees for whom that is their primary language. (Additional languages may be required when the DOL provides model plans in that language.) While the airborne infectious disease exposure prevention plan remains in effect, employers must continually ensure that it is adhered to by doing the following: (a) assign enforcement responsibilities to supervisory employees and ensure adequate enforcement; (b) monitor and maintain exposure controls; and (c) regularly check for updated information and guidance from the NYS DOH and the CDC.

COVID-19 Vaccine, FAQs

Common questions and answers on the COVID-19 vaccine for employers.

Where do mandatory vaccination workplace policies stand in light of (yet) undetermined widespread confirmation of the efficacy and effectiveness of the current COVID-19 vaccines? 

It is permissible to mandate the vaccine, subject to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (religious accommodation) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (disability accommodation) issues and parallel state counterparts.

Can employers mandate some employees to get the vaccine and not others (e.g., union versus non-union administrative employees)? 

Having different rules for union versus non-union employees does not violate the National Labor Relations Act, so long as the different treatment isn’t retaliatory or motivated by anti-union animus.

Can employees refuse to return to the workplace indefinitely without a need or request an accommodation given that they have been able to successfully complete their job requirements remotely since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? Under what circumstances could an employer refuse that request? 

The answer to this question will turn on whether working in the office is an essential function of the job. If yes, then the employee cannot indefinitely work remotely. However, proving that working in the office is an essential function of the job is going to be hard for employers if the employee has spent the past nine months performing their job duties well remotely.

EEOC guidance seems to suggest that not all workplaces would be viewed the same under the individualized inquiry framework (e.g., meatpacking versus office setting might be viewed differently in terms of mandatory vaccinations). Is this correct? 

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance, in the context of a mandatory vaccination program, employers should conduct an individualized assessment in determining whether an unvaccinated employee would pose a direct threat at the worksite (e.g., would expose others to the virus at the worksite). Factors such as the type of workplace, the prevalence in the workplace of employees who have already received a COVID-19 vaccination, and the amount of contact that the unvaccinated employee has with others whose vaccination status could be unknown may affect the undue hardship consideration. Employers should therefore consider these factors when engaging in the interactive process to identify workplace accommodation options that do not constitute an undue hardship.

What are the implications if a program is voluntary, but the employer allows for paid time off to get the vaccine from an unrelated third party and agrees to reimburse any out-of-pocket costs (e.g., admin fees)? Are these incentives an Employee Retirement Income Security Act or federal government concern? 

Admin fees may not be charged, so vaccines must be provided at no cost to individuals – whether through a group health plan, Medicare or the Health Insurance Marketplace (the Exchange). Therefore, this approach will not create an Employee Retirement Income Security Act plan.

If an employer provides in-person job safety training, does it have any jurisdiction to require its students (who are all adults) to be vaccinated before they enter its premises? 

No current guidance relates to requiring proof of vaccinations from customers. Current EEOC guidance regarding COVID-19 vaccinations focuses on Title I of the ADA, which governs employment relationships. If a company is considered a place of public accommodation, Title III of the ADA would apply. The EEOC will likely issue Title III guidance as the vaccine becomes more widely available to the US population.

How should employers deal with employee anti-vaccination advocacy on the job, particularly where an employee disseminates misinformation? 

Because purely political objections to a vaccination program are not protected under federal law, an employer is under no obligation to exempt an employee from taking a vaccine simply because the employee is an ‘anti-vaxxer’. Moreover, an employer is generally allowed to limit anti-vaccination misinformation disseminated by an employee and should do so consistent with its discipline policies. However, some states (e.g., California) prohibit employers from taking actions that tend to control or direct their employees’ political activities or affiliations. Therefore, an employer should be careful to communicate to an employee engaging in anti-vaccination advocacy that they are free to do so outside the workplace.

Can employers create a hybrid approach where the program is voluntary, but if employees choose not to get vaccinated, they must work remotely from home? Under current guidance, an employer can implement a hybrid approach if implementing a voluntary vaccine program but requiring employees who are not vaccinated to continue to work remotely.

Can employers advertise that all employees have been vaccinated or would they risk claims from employees that their personal health information has been disclosed? 

Employers should be careful not to disclose employees’ immunization histories as those may be protected from disclosure under state statutory or common law. To minimize the risk of potential claims, employers should consider using broad, general language when ‘advertising’ their mandatory or voluntary vaccination program (e.g., “to ensure a safe environment for employees and customers, the Company has implemented a vaccination program for its employees”).

Will having a third party administer the test on employer property subject the employer to any additional HIPAA regulations? Can employers simply ask whether an employee has been vaccinated? 

Employers may ask about vaccination status without implicating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

If an employer vaccine program is voluntary, can an employee refuse to return to the workplace because they are uncomfortable working among employees who may not be vaccinated? 

While general concerns that other employees are not vaccinated may not be protected under the ADA or Title VII, employers should listen to employee concerns and, if they are genuine, explore alternative working arrangements with them, such as continuing to work remotely. Employers should keep in mind that accommodations made for one employee may set a precedent regarding how other employees should be managed in similar situations. In addition, employers should be mindful that if employees come together to protect or refuse to return to work, their concerned efforts could be protected under the National Labor Relations Act.

What sort of governance and protocols would be necessary when reviewing religious exemption requests? 

An employer should engage in the interactive process as it would with any other request for religious accommodation. Generally, an employer should assume that an employee’s request for a religious exemption is based on a sincerely held religious belief, practice, or observance given the broad definition of religion under EEOC guidance. However, if the employer has an objective basis for questioning the sincerity of the particular belief or its religious nature, it may seek additional supporting information from the employee. The employer should then access whether providing a religious exemption would pose an undue hardship on the employer.

Under a mandatory vaccine program (or, likewise, a voluntary program), is there an obligation (or a business reason) to consider requiring a COVID-19 test before coming back to work? 

There is no legal obligation that employers require COVID-19 testing as part of a vaccine program. However, employers may have separate obligations under state or local regulations, orders,, and ordinances to require COVID-19 testing before employees may return to work.

What are the potential workers’ compensation claims relating to possible adverse reactions to a vaccine? Should employers mandate vaccinations? Are employers truly responsible? 

If an employer implements a mandatory vaccine program, the vaccination is considered work-related. Under most state laws, an adverse reaction to a vaccine would fall under workers’ compensation. Employers should check their workers’ compensation policies to determine whether injuries and illnesses from mandated vaccines are covered.

Does it matter whether an employer has different kinds of employees (e.g., back-office versus customer-facing) with different vaccination requirements or incentives? 

Employers may consider whether to implement different vaccination policies with respect to employees in different roles (e.g., those who directly interact with other employees or the public versus those who do not). However, employers should ensure that they are not treating (or appear to be treating) employees differently based on a protected class.

NY DOL Publishes Model Airborne Infectious Disease Exposure Prevention Plan

On July 7, 2021, the New York Department of Labor (DOL) published the NY Hero Act airborne infectious disease exposure prevention standard (the Standard) and industry-specific model airborne infectious disease exposure prevention plans as required under the NY Hero Act (the Act). The Act requires New York employers to implement extensive new workplace health and safety protections in response to a “highly contagious communicable disease” as designated by the New York State Commissioner of Health (Designation). Notably and significantly, while the NY Department of Health continues to deal with COVID-19 and a risk still exists, the DOL clarified that there is no current Designation for COVID-19 by the Commissioner and therefore, no New York employer is required to put a plan in effect at this time due to COVID-19.

The Standards make clear that they only apply in relation to “an airborne infectious agent or disease designated by the Commission of Health as a highly contagious communicable disease that presents a serious risk of harm to the public health” and does not apply to “any employee within the coverage of a temporary or permanent standard adopted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration setting forth applicable standards regarding COVID-19 and/or airborne infectious agents and diseases.”

Therefore, all that is required at this time for a New York employer is:

  • adopt the industry-specific template model policy as published by the DOL or establish an alternative plan that meets or exceeds the Standard’s minimum requirements no later than August 6, 2021,
  • provide a copy of the adopted airborne infectious disease exposure prevention plan to all employees and post the same in a visible and prominent location within each worksite within 30 days from adoption, and
  • provide a copy of the adopted plan to all new employees within 30 days from adoption.

The Standards and plans themselves include requirements for employee health screenings, face coverings, personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols. But again, these are only required in the event the Commission makes a Designation. That said, employers are still able to implement these controls and otherwise continue to adhere to New York’s archived guidance for the applicable industry if desired.

Upon adopting the relevant plan, and after distributing the plan to employees, the Standards contemplate that the plan should be reviewed and updated whenever necessary to reflect new or modified tasks and procedures affecting occupational exposure and to reflect new or modified employee assignments. This way, in the event a Designation is made, employers can swiftly implement all that is required to ensure a safe worksite and “promptly activate the worksite exposure prevention plan.”

OSHA Issues Emergency Temporary Standard for Healthcare Employers

On June 10, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) submitted for publication in the Federal Register its COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), setting forth new mandatory safety requirements designed to protect workers from COVID-19. The much-anticipated ETS is generally applicable only to certain healthcare workplaces.

The provisions of the ETS will be effective immediately upon publication in the Federal Register. Compliance will be required within 14 days of publication, with the exception of provisions relating to physical barriers, ventilation, and training, which go into effect within 30 days of publication.


The ETS generally applies to all workplace settings where any employee provides healthcare or healthcare support services, except for the following:

  1. The provision of first aid by an employee who is not a licensed healthcare provider;
  2. The dispensing of prescriptions by pharmacists in retail settings;
  3. Nonhospital ambulatory (outpatient) care settings where all nonemployees are screened prior to entry and people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not permitted to enter those settings;
  4. Well-defined hospital ambulatory (outpatient) care settings where all employees are fully vaccinated and all nonemployees are screened prior to entry and people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not permitted to enter those settings;
  5. Home healthcare settings where all employees are fully vaccinated and all nonemployees are screened prior to entry and people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 are not present;
  6. Healthcare support services not performed in a healthcare setting (e.g., off-site laundry, off-site medical billing); or
  7. Telehealth services performed outside of a setting where direct patient care occurs.

Where a healthcare setting is embedded within a nonhealthcare setting (e.g., medical clinic in a manufacturing facility, walk-in clinic in a retail setting), the ETS applies only to the embedded healthcare setting and not to the remainder of the physical location. When emergency responders or other licensed healthcare providers enter a nonhealthcare setting to provide healthcare services, this ETS applies only to the provision of healthcare services by that employee.

In addition, the ETS provides that in well-defined areas where there is no reasonable expectation that any person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 will be present, fully vaccinated workers will be exempt from the masking and other PPE, distancing and barrier requirements that are otherwise mandated as described below.

Overview of Key Requirements for Covered Healthcare Employers

Covered healthcare employers must comply with certain safety requirements aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. Those requirements include, but are not limited to:

  1. Developing and implementing a COVID-19 plan that designates a safety coordinator, addresses hazards assessed by the employer with the involvement of nonmanagerial employees and includes policies and procedures to minimize COVID-19 transmission, among other things. Notably, the ETS indicates that the OSHA website provides a model COVID-19 plan, however, as of the date of this Alert, no such model COVID-19 plan is available online.
  2. In settings where direct patient care is provided, screening patients, visitors and other nonemployees, limiting and monitoring entry points to settings where direct patient care is provided, and implementing patient management strategies. The ETS also encourages the use of telehealth services where available and appropriate.
  3. Adhering to CDC guidelines on standard and transmission-based precautions.
  4. Providing personal protective equipment (PPE). More specifically, providing and ensuring each employee wears a face mask (as defined in the ETS) when indoors and when occupying a vehicle with other people for work purposes, providing and ensuring that employees use respirators and other PPE for exposure to people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, and for aerosol-generating procedures on a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
  5. Limiting employees present during aerosol-generating procedures on a person with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, performed in an airborne infection isolation room, if available, in addition to other cleaning and disinfecting requirements.
  6. Keeping everyone at least 6 feet apart when indoors.
  7. Installing cleanable or disposable barriers at fixed work locations in nonpatient care areas where employees are not separated from other people by at least 6 feet.
  8. Following CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in patient care areas, resident rooms, and for medical devices and equipment. In other areas, follow procedures for cleaning high-touch surfaces and, where an employer is aware that a person who is COVID-19 positive has been in the workplace within 24 hours, follow the CDC’s cleaning and disinfecting guidance.
  9. Ensuring that employer-owned or -controlled existing HVAC systems are used properly and air filters meet a certain minimum rating if permitted by an employer’s ventilation system.
  10. Conducting daily employee health screenings, requiring employees to report positive or suspected COVID-19 cases or symptoms, notifying certain employees of positive COVID-19 cases, following requirements to remove employees who have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases and, for employers with more than 10 employees, providing medical removal protection benefits (i.e., paid leave) to workers who must isolate or quarantine.
  11. Providing reasonable time and paid leave for vaccinations and vaccine side effects.
  12. Training all employees so that they understand COVID-19 transmission, tasks and situations that could result in infection and relevant policies and procedures.
  13. Informing employees of their rights relating to anti-retaliation and anti-discrimination protections under the ETS.
  14. Keeping an up-to-date log of all employee instances of COVID-19 (whether occupational or otherwise) by all employers with more than 10 employees and making records, including the COVID-19 plan and certain log information, available to employees and their representatives by the end of the next business day after a request.
  15. Reporting work-related COVID-19 fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations to OSHA.
  16. Requirements for the implementation of ETS’s mini respiratory protection program where healthcare employers provide employees with respirators in lieu of facemasks or permit employees to wear their own respirators instead of facemasks.

Next Steps for Employers

Healthcare employers should immediately take steps to confirm whether the ETS applies to all or only a portion of their operations and begin updating existing COVID-19 policies and procedures to meet ETS requirements. By way of example only, the ETS includes definitions of terms such as “COVID-19 symptoms” that may require revisions to existing policies and plans. The ETS specifies when employees must not enter or be removed from the workplace due to COVID-19 symptoms, diagnosis or close contact, and the timing and conditions for when they may return. Specific requirements apply when employees of different employers share the same physical location and when workers enter into private residences in the course of their employment.

In focusing on the necessary updates, there are a few notable changes based on the ETS that will require particular planning. By way of example:

  • Given that some of the exceptions to employer coverage are dependent upon whether all employees are fully vaccinated and, in other instances, certain ETS requirements for covered employers do not apply to fully vaccinated employees, employers may consider requiring all employees be vaccinated or confirming vaccination status. Indeed, an increasing number of employers may require vaccinations in light of the recent dismissal of a highly publicized employee suit challenging hospital-mandated employee vaccinations in Bridges v. Houston Methodist Hospital.
  • Employers availing themselves of these exceptions will need to consider, among other issues, how to determine which employees are vaccinated in a way that protects confidential medical information.
  • In addition, employers requiring employee vaccination must be mindful of the obligation to provide reasonable accommodations based on disability, pregnancy or religious belief. The ETS specifically provides that if an employer reasonably accommodates an employee who is unable to be vaccinated in a manner that does not expose the employee to COVID-19 hazards, certain exemptions requiring that all employees be vaccinated may nevertheless apply.
  • When employers remove an employee from the workplace due to the need to isolate or quarantine based on the requirements of the ETS, and they are not working remotely or in isolation, the ETS requires the continuation of benefits and regular pay, up to $1,400 per week and, for employers with fewer than 500 employees, a reduced amount of up to $200 per day starting in the third week of paid leave. Employers may set off these obligations through compensation employees receive through other sources such as state or local paid COVID-19 leave or employer-provided paid sick leave. In addition, when an employee returns to the workplace after a COVID-19-related workplace removal, they must not suffer any adverse action as a result of their removal, including any to their former job status.
  • Employer notification requirements to employees (not wearing a respirator and any other required PPE) of a COVID-19 exposure in the workplace (as well as to the employers of third parties within the workplace) are quite detailed and go beyond those who were a “close contact” to include those who were in the well-defined portion of the workplace in which the potential transmission took place. The ETS provides a Model Employer Notification Tool that may be used for these purposes. Importantly, employers may not include an employee’s name, contact information, or occupation.

Biden US DOL Reinstates “Double Damages” for Violations

On April 9, 2021, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) issued Field Assistance Bulletin 2021-2, revoking a Trump administration policy that reduced the pre-litigation amount employers would have to pay to settle violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by downplaying the use of liquidated damages in settlement discussions.

On April 9, 2021, the DOL’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) issued Field Assistance Bulletin 2021-2, revoking a Trump administration policy that reduced the pre-litigation amount employers would have to pay to settle violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by downplaying the use of liquidated damages in settlement discussions.

Under the FLSA, employers that violate FLSA provisions regarding minimum wages, overtime compensation, and protections for employees who receive tips are liable for the unpaid wages or unlawfully kept tips as well as an additional equal amount as liquidated damages (i.e., double what an employer owes).

Prior to June 23, 2020, it had been the policy of WHD to seek liquidated damages in certain cases. This policy was changed based on a June 23, 2020 memorandum from the Deputy Secretary following the issuance of Executive Order 13924, Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery. In FAB 2020-2, the DOL announced that it would no longer be seeking pre-litigation liquidated damages except in cases where there was “clear evidence” of bad faith or a history of violations by the employer.

With the issuance of FAB 2021-2, the WHD will return to pursuing liquidated damages from employers found due in its pre-litigation investigations provided that the Regional Solicitor (RSOL) or designee concurs with the liquidated damages request.

According to FAB 2021-2, “Liquidated damages shall not be assessed by WHD where the employer has set forth credible evidence of a good faith defense,” or the where the regional solicitor “deems the matter inappropriate for litigation.

NYC”s “Freelance Isn’t Free” Act Adds Additional Compliance Requirements for Employers Engaging Contractors in NYC

New York City’s “Freelance Isn’t Free” Act emphasizes importance of compliance with independent contractor rules.

The New York City “Freelance Isn’t Free Act” (FIFA) took effect on May 15, 2017. The first of its kind in the country, FIFA was designed to protect independent contractors by imposing a number of strict requirements on individuals and entities that contract with freelance workers. FIFA establishes penalties for violating requirements including statutory damages, double damages, injunctive relief, and attorneys’ fees. Businesses covered by FIFA should familiarize themselves with its requirements.

FIFA’s Coverage

FIFA applies to a person who retains a freelance worker to provide any service. Excluded from coverage are the U.S. government, New York State (including agency, authority, or other body of the State), New York City, any local government (e.g., municipality or county), or any foreign government. FIFA refers to a person that engages a freelance worker as a “hiring party.”

FIFA governs the relationship of any hiring party with a freelance worker, which is defined to include “any natural person or any organization composed of no more than one natural person, whether or not incorporated or employing a trade name” engaged to provide services in exchange for compensation. The definition excludes commissioned salespersons, attorneys and licensed medical professionals.

FIFA’s Requirements

FIFA requires that any hiring party engaging a freelancer must enter into a written contract with the freelancer whenever the contract between them has a value of $800 or more (either by itself or when aggregated with all contracts for services between the same hiring party and the freelancer during the immediately preceding 120 days). Each party must retain a copy of the written contract, which must include, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. the name and mailing address of both parties;
  2. an itemization of services to be provided by the freelancer;
  3. the value of the service to be provided pursuant to the contract;
  4. the rate and method of compensation; and
  5. the date on which the hiring party must pay the contracted compensation to the freelancer or, if no date is provided, the mechanism by which such date will be determined.

Any person retaining a freelancer must pay the contracted compensation on or before the date such compensation is due under the contract. If the contract does not specify when the person must pay the contracted compensation, or the mechanism by which the date will be determined, then the freelancer must be paid no later than 30 days after the completion of their services under the contract. After a freelancer has commenced performance of services under the contract, FIFA prohibits the hiring party from requiring, as a condition of timely payment for services, that the freelancer accept less compensation than the amount of the contracted compensation.

FIFA places the burden of compliance on hiring parties. However, failure to comply with FIFA does not render any contract between a hiring party and a freelance worker void or voidable or otherwise impair any obligation, claim, or right related to such contract, and it does not constitute a defense to any action to enforce, or for breach of, such contract.

FIFA’s Anti-Retaliation Prohibitions

FIFA prohibits hiring parties from retaliating against freelancers. Specifically, hiring parties may not “threaten, intimidate, discipline, harass, deny a work opportunity to or discriminate against a freelance worker, or take any other action that penalizes a freelancer for, or is reasonably likely to deter a freelancer from, exercising or attempting to exercise any right guaranteed under this chapter, or from obtaining future work opportunity because the freelance worker has done so.”

Complaint Process

A plaintiff alleging a violation of FIFA may file a complaint for investigation with the Director of the New York City Office of Labor Standards (“OLS”), or a lawsuit in court. The statute of limitations to file a claim with OLS for violations of FIFA is two years, measured from the date of the alleged violation. For court actions, FIFA provides a two-year statute of limitations for bringing a claim alleging violations of the written contract requirement, and a six-year limitations period for bringing an action alleging failure to make timely or full payment or for retaliation. The Director of OLS will have no jurisdiction to investigate a claim that is also the subject of a court action alleging a violation of FIFA or a breach of contract claim that is pending in any court or administrative proceeding.

Statute of Limitations and Damages for Violations

A plaintiff who prevails on a claim alleging a violation of the written contract requirement will be awarded damages of $250. A plaintiff who prevails on a claim alleging a violation of the written contract requirement, as well as one other violation of FIFA, will receive damages equal to the value of the underlying contract plus other remedies under FIFA. A plaintiff who prevails on a claim alleging a violation of the timely payment requirements will receive double damages, injunctive relief, and other remedies as may be “appropriate.” Damages equal to the value of the contract are also available if the hiring party retaliates against a freelance worker for exercising, or attempting to exercise, any right under FIFA. If there is evidence of a pattern of repeated violations, the City of New York, through the Corporation Counsel, may bring a civil action to recover a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000. Prevailing parties will also be awarded reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.

Assistance for Workers and Businesses

Pursuant to FIFA, the OLS will establish a “navigation program” that will provide information and assistance to individuals who have questions regarding FIFA. Under the navigation program, model contracts will be available to the general public at no cost, in English and six languages most commonly spoken by limited English proficient individuals in New York City. Further, the navigation program will provide information about procedures under FIFA, available templates and court forms, classifying workers as employees or independent contractors, and organizations that can be used for identification of attorneys.

Data Collection

Under FIFA, the OLS is directed to follow up with freelance workers who file complaints to determine whether the freelance workers commenced a court action to enforce their rights or entered into alternative dispute resolution proceeding with the hiring party, and whether the freelancer was paid any or all of the compensation due to the freelancer. The Director of OLS will collect and track information about complaints alleging violations of FIFA. OLS’s records will include, at a minimum, the identity of the hiring party alleged to have violated FIFA, the freelance worker’s occupation, the section of FIFA that was alleged to have been violated, the value of the contract, the response or non-response of the hiring party in OLS’s investigation, and information from a completed survey done by the freelance worker.

In view of the potential penalties for noncompliance, any person or entity engaging a freelance worker in New York City should evaluate its practices and independent contractor agreements to ensure compliance in connection with any contracts executed with freelance workers after May 15, 2017.

NY Employers Beware: You can be Personally Liable for Wage and Hour Errors

The individual owners and operators of a business can be personally liable for wage and hour errors and underpayments to workers.

In a 2013 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit sent a chilling reminder to business owners, executives, and other high-ranking employees that they may be held personally liable for their company’s violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). In Irizarry v. Catsimatidis, the court held that the CEO of a grocery chain—and a New York City mayoral candidate—was individually responsible for paying a $3.5 million settlement, which represented alleged unpaid overtime wages.

“Employers” may be personally liable for FLSA violations. But whether an individual is an “employer” under the FLSA is determined under a four-part “economic realities” test, which examines whether the alleged employer: 1) had the power to hire and fire the employees, 2) supervised and controlled employee work schedules or conditions of employment, 3) determined the rate and method of payment, and 4) maintained employment records. Ultimately, courts make these determinations on a case-by-case basis, examining the totality of the circumstances.

In Irizarry, the court concluded that the CEO exercised “operational control” of the company, making him an “employer” under the FLSA, and thus personally liable for the wage and hour settlement. In its decision, the court emphasized that the CEO worked in the corporate headquarters almost every day; handled the banking, real estate and financial matters for the business; was involved with product merchandising; responded to consumer complaints; made employment decisions, such as hiring and firing managerial employees; and visited the company stores to evaluate operations. The CEO’s arguments that he made general corporate decisions and was not involved in the day-to-day operations of the business were rejected by the court.

Irizarry did not establish any new law, but it highlights the importance of proactively assessing and reviewing a company’s wage and hour compliance. The case serves as an important reminder that corporate form does not preclude individual liability for FLSA violations.

Wage and Hour Issues in Inclement Weather

With winter weather fast approaching and potentially forcing businesses to reduce or cease operations, employers are reexamining their federal and state wage and hour obligations to employees affected by weather-related office closures and reductions in work hours. This alert summarizes the key wage and hour rules implicated in such situations.

Overtime-Exempt Employees

Subject to certain exceptions, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay exempt employees their full salary for any week in which an exempt employee performs any work. An employer may not make deductions from an exempt employee’s salary for absences caused by the employer or by the operating requirements of the business. If an exempt employee is ready, willing, and able to work, deductions from the employee’s salary may not be made when no work is available. Thus, if a business is closed three days in a single week due to inclement weather, but an exempt employee performs work for the business for the rest of the week, the employee must receive his or her full salary for that week; no deductions from the predetermined salary may be made for the three days that the business was closed. However, if an employer’s office is closed for the entire workweek and exempt employees perform no work that week, they do not need to be paid their regular salary for that week.

Employers may lawfully make deductions from exempt employees’ salary for full-day absences due to personal reasons, other than sickness or disability. Thus, for example, if an office is open for business but an employee is unable to get to work because he or she lives in an area that has been affected by heavy storms (a personal reason), the employer may make a deduction from the employee’s salary for a full day’s absence.

Generally, deductions from exempt employees’ salary for partial-day absences are prohibited. Therefore, an employer cannot reduce an exempt employees’ salary by half of a day if the employee only works half of a day (for example, if the employee shows up to work late due to bad weather) or leaves work early (for example, if the office closes earlier to allow employees to arrive home before a snow storm).

Exempt employees who are able to work remotely from home, even when their primary work location is closed due to weather-related problems, must be paid their full salary.

If an employer provides employees with paid time off, the employer may make deductions from exempt employees’ paid time off accounts for absences occasioned by weather-related business closures or reduced work hours. Such deductions may be made in any amount, including partial days. If the employee does not have any paid time off accrued, however, no deductions may be made from their salary for any week in which they performed any work.

Non-Exempt Employees

The compensation rules for inclement weather situations are somewhat different for non-exempt employees. Employers are not required to pay non-exempt employees’ wages for any days that non-exempt employees do not work. Therefore, if a business is closed due to inclement weather, and non-exempt employees do not perform any work for the business during the closure, the business has no obligation to pay its non-exempt employees for time not worked. Importantly, non-exempt employees who work from home must be compensated for any time worked, even though the business might have been closed due to weather conditions.

Other Considerations

Employers’ wage and hour obligations with respect to non-exempt employees might be affected by state wage and hour rules. In New York, the Labor Law “call-in pay” provisions state that an employee who, by request or permission, reports to work on any day shall be paid at least the lesser of: a) four hours at the basic minimum wage rate; or (b) the number of hours in the employee’s “regularly scheduled shift” at the basic minimum hourly rate. Call-in pay is due regardless of whether an employee is “called in” or simply reports for work as scheduled.

Thus, for example, if an employee reports to work at his or her regularly scheduled time and, upon arrival, learns that the business is closed for the day due to weather conditions, a call-in pay obligation is potentially triggered if the employer failed to notify the employee not to come to work. Importantly, for most employees, there is no obligation to pay call-in pay if the total wages paid to an employee in a workweek involving call-in pay exceed the amount that would have been paid to the employee had he or she been paid at the minimum wage for all hours worked that week, plus any call-in pay owed. However, employers covered by the Hospitality Wage Order are not exempt from the call-in pay requirements, regardless of their employees’ earnings.

And of course, unionized employers should consult any applicable collective bargaining agreement concerning wage and hour obligations during weather-related business closures or reductions in hours.

Improper Deductions or Reductions in Pay

If an employer discovers that it has made isolated improper deductions from an exempt employees’ salary because of a weather-related office closure, the FLSA contains a safe harbor provision, which provides that the exempt status of a category of employees affected by improper salary deductions will not be lost if the employer has a “clearly communicated” policy that prohibits improper deductions, provides for a complaint mechanism, and mandates reimbursement for improper deductions, and the employer makes a good faith commitment to comply with the FLSA in the future. Thus, employers should ensure their employee handbooks contain such policies and generally encourage employees to report any errors in pay, without fear of reprisal.