About Forework

Smart payroll and tax software, with decades of labor attorney experience built in, for maximum protection.

Emina (Mina) Poricanin

Founder and CEO

Forework is owned and operated by Ms. Poricanin, a nationally known wage and hour legal expert.  Ms. Poricanin has spent almost two decades in private practice, working exclusively to defend employers from employment claims.  Much of Ms. Poricanin’s practice was devoted to defending employers in class action wage and hour lawsuits, and expensive department of labor audits.  Through her years of experience, Ms. Poricanin realized that the cause of the lawsuits and labor audits had to do with incorrect payroll systems that resulted in the same error being automatically repeated with each payroll.  If the employer was paying a group of employees incorrectly one week, the same error repeated each week after, for hundreds of employees, and years and years of mistakes (and liability).  Ms. Poricanin also realized that the reason that payroll was being set up incorrectly (and not in compliance) was because labor laws were complicated, and payroll was being set up by business people instead of wage and hour experts.  Ms. Poricanin decided to put all her knowledge of the wage and hour laws, and experience of working with employers on difficult compensation issues, into an automated software system that would ensure employers’ compliance and minimize legal risks to expensive liabilities.  And not only would all labor tasks be automated in that software system, but her company would also provide support and counseling by employment attorneys to businesses to ensure those businesses had a real, strategic, partner in their labor matters.

Our team

Elise McGee

Director of Implementation and Client Success

Dina Radeljas

Director, Employee Assistance Programming

Blake Lemoi

Director of Sales

Emina Pitaric

Emina Pitaric

Compliance Officer

Sharon Niman

Sharon Niman

Consultant, Healthcare Compliance

Sam Sadovic

Sam Sadovic

Account Manager

Enida Broca

Account Manager

Alicia Zepeda

Alicia Zepeda

Account Manager

Grisilda Miftari

Grisilda Miftari

Account Manager

Teo Borozan

Teo Borozan

Marketing Manager

Emina Omerovic

Emina Omerovic

Marketing Manager

Sejla Rahimic

Sejla Rahimic

Marketing Manager

Adela Trifan

Senior UI/UX/Web Developer

Hana Emso Canbaz

Executive Assistant 

Sal Kanic

Account Manager